Let’s Play
A Word


Fill in the blanks below and determine your chore’s destiny.

Oh boy! The trip to was exhausting. And now is tired. But there’s no time to rest. La Because has to get there are things that would be better to do, like And it will not let go. “Shake free of me,” yelled. The overwhelming, and tears begin to roll down face. But wait, TAKL could find an App to help you with that.

Please fill in all fields to continue.

{{form.y_name}} and the battle of {{form.chore}}

Oh boy! The trip to the {{form.place}} was exhausting. And now {{form.y_name}} sure is tired. But there’s no time to rest. Because {{form.y_name}} has to do {{form.chore}}. Sure, there are things that would be better to do, like {{form.fun_thing}}. But the {{form.chore}} would not let go. “Shake free of me,” yelled {{form.y_name}}. The stress was overwhelming, and tears began to roll down {{s_name}} face.

But wait poor {{form.y_name}}, TAKL could find an official provider to help you with that chore. “Really?” asked {{form.y_name}}. Yes, I’m the narrator, so just listen and get your phone. So {{form.y_name}} started to {{form.vrb}} for the phone. And with a {{form.adj}} flick of the finger that chore was booked using the TAKL app! Then a few hours later, that chore was done! Oh boy, that was easy and pretty fun!

Now there was time for {{form.fun_thing}} galore. And how magical it was. {{form.y_name}} thanked TAKL for getting the chore done and getting all that free time back. So friends, the chore dragon had been slayed, and the townspeople could relax now and forever.

Give yourself
some fun time.

Use to get any of your chores done.

Start your adventure over